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                                             It is the process of hiding a file behind an image to increase its privacy. This is one of the common and easiest methods which are followed widely. This process of hiding a file behind an image is known as steganography (the file can be of any type).
To hide a file behind an image,
To hide a file behind an image file which means that if any one opens that image he will see the image only but if you open in a special way then you can open the hidden file behind the image.
    So to hide the file behind an image open CMD.exe (run->cmd)
1) Select an image to be used for hiding file behind that image.
2) Now select a file to hide behind the image and make it in .RAR format. With the help of the WinRAR.
3) And most important is that paste both the files on desktop and run the following command on the command prompt.

4) And then type the following command.

cd desktop

Copy /b imagename.jpg + filename.rar  finalnameofimage.jpg

And then hit enter the file will be created with the file final file name of the image.
You can also keep file in any of your directory(c, d, e :) but the path of the file should be typed in the command prompt.
You can also hide text behind the images; the process is same as follows,
Run->cmd-> Copy /b imagename.jpg + hello.txt final.jpg
To view the text written in that image, copy the image in the notepad and go to the end of file, the text will be written in the last line
This process can be done by various software which are available in the internet for free. Hope this tutorial is useful to you. Feel free to comment