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Wednesday, 1 January 2014

1.     Dedication : Dedication is the main key to become an ethical hacker. Don't plan to become pentester because of money.  If you really have interest, then go ahead.
2.     Reading :  Be a bookworm.  Try to read books related to computer and its architecture.  Read more books  related to Security and Ethical hacking. 
3.     Know how hackers hack into:  you have to learn  method of wil be provided in our blog every week or you can search through google.
4.     Programming and Scripting: some languages are necessary to become a hacker,.c-language, It is one of best,powerful language and easy to learn. Only one language is needed. There are are plenty of onlineprogramming tutorial sites for learning.
5.     Linux: linux is a bit different from windows but it best suits for coding.
6.     BackTrack Linux Distribution: Backtrack Linux is one of the famous Penetration TestingLinux distribution.  This backtrack is funded by Offensive Security.  It has almost all penetration testing tools required for security professionals.
7.     Get Certification for Ethical Hackers:   Some organization recruits based on security certification.  You can learn and get ethical certification from your nearest center.  Search in google for these keywords "CEH","OSCP","security certifications".
8.     BreakTheSecurity: In BreakTheSecurity , i have written plenty of articles related to Ethical hacking and penetration testing.  Hope it will help you to get some knowledge.  Also, you can find the latest ethical hacking techniques here. 
9.     Forums: Participate in any Security or ethical Hacking related forums.  
10.   Contact us or search through google to get some help to innovate your ideas

Opportunities for Ethical Hacker
There are plenty of
 jobs available 
in government organisations, banks, financial institutions, military establishments and private companies. India requires more Ethical Hackers
Different Themes
Written by Lovely

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